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Archives for July, 2010

Cabbage + Blogging = Cablogging

My love affair with cab­bage began in my post-college kitchen, when I worked my way through Lorna Sass’ Short-Cut Veg­e­tar­ian. Sass uses cab­bage in a ton of recipes, and I can see why: it’s cheap, it’s plen­ti­ful, and it’s so ver­sa­tile. A few weeks ago, with a han­ker­ing for some­thing spicy, I tried out Smitten […]

The Lilly Jeep Gets an Oil Change

A Nice Place to Visit

My BFF came into town last Thurs­day to attend a wed­ding (and take me as her date). Sat­ur­day after­noon we checked into the wed­ding hotel and had a few hours to kill before we needed to get ready. I sat by the pool with gos­sip mags, she went to the ocean. I said some­thing I […]

Thing I Don’t Hate About Florida: the Heat!

Last year, Mr. TRF sur­prised me with Miami Heat tick­ets. I hadn’t been to a pro­fes­sional bas­ket­ball game since Kansas City still had the Kings. That was a mil­lion years ago. Lit­er­ally. Heat games are an excel­lent time. So now I must decide: wait for a LeBron jer­sey or stick with Wade? An aside: I wanted […]


I get around. To other blogs, that is. See what I had to say about my (very fic­tional) home at the (very awe­some) Sketch 42 today. Or don’t. Whatev.