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Archives for things i like


How did I miss this? One of my favorite songs of late, done by the ridicu­lous PS 22 Cho­rus. You have no soul if this doesn’t make you even a lit­tle verklempt. (Or maybe it’s just that you don’t have preg­nancy hor­mones cours­ing through your sys­tem. What­ever.) Speak­ing of the hor­mones, am I the only pregnant […]

Keep it Simple

This marks my third spring in warmer climes. Weird. Even now that I wear the same clothes essen­tially year-round, I some­how feel the sea­sons change. There are no win­ter coats to put away, yet I want to clean out my clos­ets, rearrange every drawer in the house and buy some­thing new. (Before you say, “Duh. You’re nesting,” […]

Heath Has My Number

Much like J. Crew, which car­ries (and col­lab­o­rates with) older brands (Bar­bour) as well as, in their words, “leg­ends in the mak­ing” (Lulu Frost), Heath Ceram­ics can do no wrong when it comes to choos­ing asso­ciates. Tile made in con­junc­tion with Dwell, tea tow­els designed by Skinny Lam­inx: it’s all thought­fully designed and true to […]

All I Want (or, How to Be an Awesome Gift-Giver)

It’s some­how Decem­ber, which means we are mere weeks from the most mag­i­cal time of the year: my birth­day. Have you been cursed blessed with some­one sim­i­larly dif­fi­cult picky for your upcom­ing hol­i­day of choice? I am sorry. Despite being a PITA on the receiv­ing end, an infor­mal sur­vey says that I am awe­some at […]

Dogs, Books, Food, Art

In no par­tic­u­lar order, those are my inter­ests. (Well, most of them.) I went to see Maira Kalman speak last week. There were mini Snick­ers bars on every seat in the room. (Note to self: if I ever speak to a large crowd, make sure every­one gets a candy bar.) She has a show up at […]

This is Why I Have 100 Tabs Open in My Browser

(OK, it was actu­ally 57. No one tell my hus­band.) As I was out try­ing (and fail­ing) to fin­ish my Thanks­giv­ing shop­ping, I took a turn down a new street. Out of the cor­ner of my eye I saw two Chi­nese Chip­pen­dale chairs flank­ing a door to a thrift store. They looked like these guys […]

What Does Heaven Look Like?

Pretty sure it’s some­thing like this: That’s the Mod­er­nica ware­house sale. Which starts tomor­row. But I am spe­cial and got to go last night. (Spe­cial means that I am on their mail­ing list.) At first I was unim­pressed with the chair selec­tion but then I noticed this cor­ner, where you pick out your shell and base, […]

Monday Mood-Lifters

Some­times you need to feel good. Let me help: I love being reminded that peo­ple are kind. Friends and strangers donated funds so that Val­o­rie and Alberto (our fan­tas­tic New Orleans hosts) could mede­vac out of Canada after Alberto had a heart attack in the Cal­gary air­port. They are safe and sound in New Orleans again, […]

The Lilly Jeep Gets an Oil Change

Get the Look: Fabulous Gymgoer

I saw some­thing great while elliptical-ing the other day at the gym. A woman wear­ing an out­fit made up of the fol­low­ing ele­ments: A white robe, much like this one— With a black tur­ban on her head, much like this— So far, so awe­some, right? On her feet, a pair of clas­sic Jack Rogers (or maybe they […]