I’ve self-diagnosed myself with an affliction that has yet to show up in the DSM. I’m calling it obsessive-compulsive bookmarking disorder, and it may be my downfall. I first experimented with bookmarking outside of my browser with Delicious, and I still contend that for recipe bookmarking, Delicious can’t be beat. But I dreamed of a […]
Archives for baby
I Fought My Pants
Spoiler alert: My pants won. A few weeks ago, I looked in the mirror and thought, “Hey, I look sort of pregnant.” It’s a good thing, too, because I’ve been going to prenatal yoga classes and feeling like an impostor. At least until we get to the part of class where we tell everyone how far […]
Words I’d Like to Ban
Much like when I got engaged and ran out and bought a bunch of wedding magazines, I have been working my way through a stack of pregnancy mags. Much like the wedding magazines, the pregnancy periodicals are very close to useless. I realize that ours is a consumer culture, and with each life event comes […]
An Explanation, of Sorts
The last few months have been thrilling. Spine-tingling. Exhilirating, even. So where have I been? Why haven’t I been sharing this excitement? Well. I am pregnant. Not to get all emotional, but, 2010 was rough. For a variety of reasons. One of the biggies, though, was my frustration with my own body. Pregnancy was not, […]