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Archives for things i like

Are You a Carrie?

No hate for SATC from moi, but maybe your per­son­al­ity is, in fact, linked to your favorite Sleater-Kinney mem­ber. Like, if you’re a Corin, you’re the bad-ass activist one. Or some­thing. I haven’t really fully fleshed this out. Mov­ing on: who doesn’t have a girl crush on Car­rie Brown­stein? She has the great­est NPR BLOG. Could […]

Set ‘Em Up, Jack

One of my favorite stores/brands is Jack Spade. I loved writ­ing about the newly opened shop when I was shop­ping edi­tor at City­search (is that still online? Yes!). Here’s a great video from JS dur­ing Fash­ion Week. Note Andy Spade tak­ing a bow at the end. So cute! Though is it just me, or is […]

A Bug’s Life

One of my dream rides is a VW Bee­tle convertible–old school, not one of the nou­veau style ones. I mean, those are fine and nice and all, but I just ache for the old ones. Click­ing through one of the local auc­tion house’s upcom­ing sale lists, I just saw not one but two, barely driven, […]

I Think I’m Different; Really We’re All The Same

Some­day some­one will dis­cover the gene sequence for a desire to live in a tele­vi­sion apartment–specifically, Mary Tyler Moore’s. (The sequence MTM? I totally have it, it’s located some­where around MM, the abil­ity to eat one-pound bags of choco­late candy and then three-course meals.) There’s a post-off about TV décor over at Shel­ter­rific, and this […]

Don’t Be a Book (on CD) Snob

OK, sorry fel­low read­ers, but this is bull­shit. I am totally in love with recorded books (unabridged, of course) for a mul­ti­tude of rea­sons, but mostly because they allow me to “read” and drive an oth­er­wise unevent­ful com­mute. Why the hate?

I Has a Malteaser

This arti­cle from last week’s NYT is a love song to British choco­late. A love song I often sing to any­one who will lis­ten. Now send me your Aero bars, monar­chists. Holla!

Still Summer, In Case You Needed to Know

I was at Tar­get yes­ter­day, buy­ing Grape Nuts and wait­ing patiently for the Lib­er­tine stuff to arrive, when I real­ized the Great Sum­mer Switch had hap­pened. You know the one–suddenly the gar­den and bar­be­cue aisles become devoted to crayons and back­packs, and every­thing is all about school sup­plies and Fall and things in which one […]

In Which My (Small, Closed, Lame) World Collides

From an email received ear­lier on the sub­ject of my (other) future hus­band, Joe Per­nice: Pri­mar­ily known as a record­ing artist, Joe wrote the novella Meat is Mur­der for Con­tin­uüm Books’ 33 1/3 series in 2003.  That book remains one of the best­selling pieces in that series, and Joe is work­ing with Neal Huff, an actor who […]