From an email received ear­lier on the sub­ject of my (other) future hus­band, Joe Per­nice:

Pri­mar­ily known as a record­ing
artist, Joe wrote the novella Meat is Mur­der
for Con­tin­uüm Books’ 33 1/3 series in 2003.  That book remains one of the best­selling
pieces in that series, and Joe is work­ing with Neal Huff, an actor who
appears reg­u­larly on HBO’s The Wire, on
the Meat is Mur­der screen­play.  Again, he is not forth­com­ing on when
that project might see the light of day. 
He also pre­vi­ously pub­lished a vol­ume of poetry called Two Blind Pigeons, on his own Ash­mont Books imprint.  That remains the best­selling (only)
piece on Ash­mont Books.

The Wire” is con­nected to The Indie Rock and I didn’t even know it. Con­sider my mind blown.