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Archives for December, 2006

Ring a Ling

Soon it will be Christ­mas Day and I’m jonesing for win­dow dec­o­ra­tions — just like the ones I used to know. Thank­fully, Fred Flare comes through with this awe­some slideshow of city spirit. How genius are the Bar­neys win­dows? I salute you, Simon Doo­nan, as always.

For Someone Who Doesn’t Have a Job …

I find a way to not do a lot of things. Like this week it dawned on me that I like to dec­o­rate for the holidays–and after pur­chas­ing this, I am now kick­ing myself for not mak­ing Our Own Very Spe­cial Hand­made Chris­mukkah com­plete with pom-pom yarn wreaths and the cute trees, and not collecting […]

Older, Wiser?

Thirty-one came and went with­out too much trauma–in fact, it was kind of nice. Kelly Sue and I were ladies who lunched, Ryan and I had a quiet night since we’re hav­ing our offi­cial birth­day din­ner Mon­day and my fam­ily cel­e­brates tonight. But I am sud­denly aware, maybe even hyper–aware, of the fact that I […]

Here Comes the Sun

My Sweet Lord This bright­ens my day: footage of George Har­ri­son (the Best Bea­tle, hands down) per­form­ing at the con­cert for Bangladesh in 1971. Love, love, love. YouTube, you are the champion.

Gum Surgery is Frigging Gross

Must. Get. Every­thing. Paid. For. By. Insur­ance. Hence, what bet­ter time to have a pro­ce­dure where some­one else’s gums are grafted onto mine, since appar­ently I have the gums of an elderly per­son? You know how it’s annoy­ing when the den­tist is all, “So, been on any vaca­tions lately?” and you’re like, “Um, your hands […]