I find a way to not do a lot of things. Like this week it dawned on me that I like to dec­o­rate for the holidays–and after pur­chas­ing this, I am now kick­ing myself for not mak­ing Our Own Very Spe­cial Hand­made Chris­mukkah com­plete with pom-pom yarn wreaths and the cute trees, and not col­lect­ing a par­tic­u­lar color of vin­tage orna­ment. OK, there were no pho­tographs of crafty meno­rahs, but I could’ve worked some­thing out. So now I’m gaz­ing at other people’s totally cute Christ­mases and expe­ri­enc­ing a des­per­ate sense of longing.

I guess I can start mak­ing my pom-pom wreath for next year.