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Archives for February, 2007

In Which the Content of this Blog Abruptly Changes

So we’re engaged! I have had my taste of wed­ding plan­ning for, let’s see, about a week now, and I have been through the seven stages of grief already. None of it had any­thing to do with Ryan (thank God) or my fam­ily (hur­rah) or even his fam­ily (whew) but still, my crazy is bubbling […]

Dear Shins: Throw Me a Bone

Who didn’t buy tick­ets the day they went on sale for the pair of Shins’ shows tonight and tomor­row? Who thought to her­self, “Two shows? That’s crazy!”? Who tried to buy tick­ets online a few weeks ago, found both shows sold out, fig­ured she could buy tick­ets on craigslist and then real­ized she was being […]

Beyond Butter Chicken

Some­one linked to this arti­cle some­where about South­ern Indian cui­sine and read­ing it took me back imme­di­ately to morn­ings spent drink­ing Dixie cups of per­fect sweet cof­fee and evenings eat­ing off of banana leaves. I think I need to start scan­ning my India photos.