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Archives for March, 2007

Will Harry Recover From This Trauma?

Kiss Harry, he’s not Irish

Society for the Preservation of Crazy Architecture

The tem­ple we attended when I was grow­ing up had a really fan­tas­tic crazy-modern vibe; I keep mean­ing to drive Ryan by some Sat­ur­day when we’re out run­ning errands and I always for­get about it. Today I was in hot pur­suit of a place to read another chap­ter in my psy­chol­ogy book (they are getting […]

A Web Site Someone Needs to Invent for Me

I am, to put it mildly, a picky bitch. So, once upon a time, I worked in the home depart­ment of a bridal mag­a­zine. This instilled in me a deep love and appre­ci­a­tion for china and fine crys­tal. As I was 21 at the time, I did not do much with this knowl­edge except think, “Some […]