The temple we attended when I was growing up had a really fantastic crazy-modern vibe; I keep meaning to drive Ryan by some Saturday when we’re out running errands and I always forget about it. Today I was in hot pursuit of a place to read another chapter in my psychology book (they are getting longer, I swear) and I happened to drive by.
I knew there was some fuss about the building itself and preservation types were arguing for its importance and others said it was hideous and then there’s the fact that the congregation up and moved itself 10 miles south. But still. OK, it hasn’t been razed; there’s a school in its place. But you’d never know what the old building looked like and I can only think that this is so “they paved paradise and put up a parking lot.”
Here’s a link to a photo–isn’t it awesome?
Wow — that’s three ex-temples in KC that I know about, and I have no reason to know. When they were preparing the site at 12th and Oak for a parking garage, they revealed the foundation for what I believe had been a synagogue. (Can ‘temple’ and ‘synagogue’ be used interchangably when you’re not talking about one of the Temples at Jerusalem?) I also think there was a synagogue on Troost — I want to say it was not far south of UMKC.
Where is this building?
69th and Holmes. I think one of its original buildings had been at 11th and Oak–I wonder if that’s the parking structure?