The tem­ple we attended when I was grow­ing up had a really fan­tas­tic crazy-modern vibe; I keep mean­ing to drive Ryan by some Sat­ur­day when we’re out run­ning errands and I always for­get about it. Today I was in hot pur­suit of a place to read another chap­ter in my psy­chol­ogy book (they are get­ting longer, I swear) and I hap­pened to drive by.


I knew there was some fuss about the build­ing itself and preser­va­tion types were argu­ing for its impor­tance and oth­ers said it was hideous and then there’s the fact that the con­gre­ga­tion up and moved itself 10 miles south. But still. OK, it hasn’t been razed; there’s a school in its place. But you’d never know what the old build­ing looked like and I can only think that this is so “they paved par­adise and put up a park­ing lot.”

Here’s a link to a photo–isn’t it awesome?