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Archives for December, 2010

Experimental Baking and a Sure Thing

It’s my day in the Pretty Mommy recipe exchange—and my birth­day, so I thought I’d go big. Fes­tive. How­ever. What I tried to make—a caramel bar like the one they serve at Santa Monica’s Huck­le­berry—was not as expected. The con­struc­tion of the bar is much like a lemon bar: a short­bread crust and a thick […]

Indulgence. I Has It.

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjWYbcbpiWA (Thanks to Design Cri­sis for bring­ing this genius to my atten­tion.) I just dropped my sis­ter off at LAX and I might need to do some sort of juice fast for the next week. Which is a real downer, since my birthday’s tomor­row and all. It was a whirl­wind week­end. We ate Lar­don and LudoTruck […]

Heath Has My Number

Much like J. Crew, which car­ries (and col­lab­o­rates with) older brands (Bar­bour) as well as, in their words, “leg­ends in the mak­ing” (Lulu Frost), Heath Ceram­ics can do no wrong when it comes to choos­ing asso­ciates. Tile made in con­junc­tion with Dwell, tea tow­els designed by Skinny Lam­inx: it’s all thought­fully designed and true to […]

All I Want (or, How to Be an Awesome Gift-Giver)

It’s some­how Decem­ber, which means we are mere weeks from the most mag­i­cal time of the year: my birth­day. Have you been cursed blessed with some­one sim­i­larly dif­fi­cult picky for your upcom­ing hol­i­day of choice? I am sorry. Despite being a PITA on the receiv­ing end, an infor­mal sur­vey says that I am awe­some at […]