
(Thanks to Design Cri­sis for bring­ing this genius to my attention.)

I just dropped my sis­ter off at LAX and I might need to do some sort of juice fast for the next week. Which is a real downer, since my birthday’s tomor­row and all.

It was a whirl­wind week­end. We ate Lar­don and LudoTruck (food trucks serv­ing up bacon and fried chicken, respec­tively.) We walked Rene­gade Craft Fair, Arti­sanal LA (where, once again, I drank the awe­some­ness that is Cold Brew and Cola), and Unique LA. We stim­u­lated the econ­omy. We took Harry the dog just about any­where that would allow him. We hit the Rachel Pally sam­ple sale. We got our nails done. We went to the Santa Mon­ica Pier.

While I go into salad mode, here’s last week’s recipe exchange recap: snickerdoodle-eggnog cookie pies, enchi­lada soup, dev­iled eggs, peanut but­ter choco­late chip cook­ies, and corn souf­flé. (That last one is from Sharon at I Can Totally Make That, one of my favorite peo­ple I know from the inter­net. Also, she has super­cute dogs.)