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Archives for January, 2011

Are You My Chairs?

Back before we moved to LA, when I was in what­ifwe­movein­toas­tu­dioOMG­we­have­toomuch­stuff mode, I sold a lot of our fur­ni­ture. Like our beloved patio set. I checked Circa Who’s site a few times, won­der­ing if our stuff would appear (and, let’s be hon­est, won­der­ing what the retail price would be), but never saw them. Fast for­ward to last week: I’m […]

Today’s Goal

I told Ryan this morn­ing when he left that the only thing I was doing today was clean­ing the house. “Maybe,” I said, “when I’m done I’ll take myself to Clemen­tine for lunch.” Famous last words. It’s 2:18 as I type this and the list of today’s accom­plish­ments is pretty lean. I changed the laun­dry a few […]

Oh, Hi.

Like the rest of the world I have been in the dream state that is holiday/family mode. Mine was par­tic­u­larly lovely and par­tic­u­larly long, but I am back and ready to party. Truth­fully, the par­ty­ing is a lit­tle sub­dued since I’ve come down with a very annoy­ing cold, but I’ve used it as an excuse to […]