Back before we moved to LA, when I was in what­ifwe­movein­toas­tu­dioOMG­we­have­toomuch­stuff mode, I sold a lot of our fur­ni­ture. Like our beloved patio set. I checked Circa Who’s site a few times, won­der­ing if our stuff would appear (and, let’s be hon­est, won­der­ing what the retail price would be), but never saw them.

Fast for­ward to last week: I’m look­ing at the new Lonny, and there’s an arti­cle about Mar­lien Rentmeester’s home in Pacific Pal­isades. Dec­o­rated by Hillary Thomas, the house is a refined mix of preppy Palm Beach and Cal­i­for­nia bohemia. I rarely read the arti­cles in Lonny (no offense, Lonny, I greatly pre­fer your pretty pic­tures), but I started skim­ming this piece to find that Rent­meester and Thomas had speed-shopped West Palm Beach to fur­nish the house.

My first thought: I hate you, Marlien.

My sec­ond thought: Hey, those look familiar…

Image of chairs from Lonny mag

Verdict’s out on whether they once graced our back­yard or not, but I’m enjoy­ing think­ing the chairs live nearby.

(Title cour­tesy this clas­sic book; Lonny photo by Patrick Cline.)