This pretty much sums up our Thanks­giv­ing. The weather was amaz­ing and Las Vegas has won me over for a few rea­sons. Firstly, I knew there was shop­ping, but I did not know there was shop­ping. Until 11pm. Even on Thanks­giv­ing. This is a town where two Chanel stores coex­ist within a mile of each other. I love that.

Also? I ate like a king. Or queen. Or, uh, pig. There is so much good food. There’s a teensy part of me that feels like you’re cheat­ing, because isn’t the “orig­i­nal” Café Fan­cy­pantswhat­ever sup­posed to be in some other large city, not this city of excess built on casino cash?

I got over that. I never really got into the gam­bling thing, mainly because I seemed to lose every time I tried, but I found myself sit­ting down at slot machines while wait­ing for things, which was totally weird. All in all, I praise the insane over-the-topness of it all, the non-stopness, the sheer stu­pid­ity of a foun­tain show and a casino that’s built to look like Venice. Why the hell not?