I keep revis­it­ing this pho­to­graph of Annie Selke’s garage. I showed it to Ryan and his response was, “So you’re look­ing at garage porn now?” Yes. Orga­nized items and hot pink make me happy.

Hot Pink Garage DoorAnnie Selke is the woman behind Pine Cone Hill, which I always (unfairly, it seems) lumped in with Shabby Chic. (Sorry Annie!) If you start here, you can fol­low her home ren­o­va­tion with House Beau­ti­ful. It’s pretty great. And, unlike the other watch-me-change-my-house story of late, that of Kevin Sharkey, it’s a bit more—how do I put this del­i­cately, while still wear­ing my Team Martha t-shirt?—unfussy. Or maybe it’s just not tak­ing eons to document.

In case you were won­der­ing why I have garages on the brain, it’s because we left ours in Florida. I’d rather have zero garage in LA than one lovely two-car spec­i­men in Boca, but still. The rest of the garage makeover is here. Pre­pare your­self for striped walls.

While we pour a lit­tle of our 40s out in mem­ory of our capa­cious garage, let’s also mourn the loss of my cook­ing mojo. I have made some ques­tion­able food this week. Instead of turn­ing your stom­ach with details, let’s check in with some ladies who seem to know what they’re doing. Peo­ple like Miya and Elis­a­beth at You + Me Equals—they make roasted veg­etable enchi­ladas and Mexi­choctofu pud­ding. Domes­tic Reflec­tions claims to not have her act together but shares a recipe for chicken stock. (Girl, when you are mak­ing your own stock, you are doing some­thing right. Don’t beat your­self up!) 5thjoy is speak­ing my lan­guage, and that lan­guage is chicken and cab­bage mine­strone. Oh wait, it looks like Scrump­tious is also flu­ent in soup—she shares a recipe for crock pot chicken spez­zatino and then blows my mind with cheesy deli­cious­ness. (That is not actu­ally the name of the recipe, but I dare you to click on that and call it by any other name.)