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November 27th, 2006

This pretty much sums up our Thanks­giv­ing. The weather was amaz­ing and Las Vegas has won me over for a few rea­sons. Firstly, I knew there was shop­ping, but I did not know there was shop­ping. Until 11pm. Even on Thanks­giv­ing. This is a town where two Chanel stores coex­ist within a mile of each other. I love that.

Also? I ate like a king. Or queen. Or, uh, pig. There is so much good food. There’s a teensy part of me that feels like you’re cheat­ing, because isn’t the “orig­i­nal” Café Fan­cy­pantswhat­ever sup­posed to be in some other large city, not this city of excess built on casino cash?

I got over that. I never really got into the gam­bling thing, mainly because I seemed to lose every time I tried, but I found myself sit­ting down at slot machines while wait­ing for things, which was totally weird. All in all, I praise the insane over-the-topness of it all, the non-stopness, the sheer stu­pid­ity of a foun­tain show and a casino that’s built to look like Venice. Why the hell not?

What the Chuck?

November 27th, 2006

Am I the only one who feels like Char­lie Rose is a dum­b­ass when he talks about/to artists? We had last week’s episodes saved up, includ­ing one with Lucian Freud’s dealer and an old friend (John…Richardson? the art his­to­rian who’s writ­ing the multi-volume Picasso bio?) and seri­ously, Char­lie was ask­ing these TOTALLY inane ques­tions. At one point he said some­thing to the effect of, “So…there’s a list of col­lec­tors who always are look­ing for Freud’s paint­ings?” No, both of your inter­vie­wees have only called Freud The Great­est Liv­ing British Artist like, fif­teen times, there­fore, the gallery sends dudes with sand­wich boards out onto the street to adver­tise that he has work for sale.

I mean…

If you’re an artist of any stature (ie, highly col­lected or respected like Freud), your work is sold before the show is hung. I don’t know this by per­sonal expe­ri­ence or any­thing, but come on, Char­lie! I would like it if you could at least act like you know. For me, anyway.

QotD: Heartbreaker

November 21st, 2006

What’s your favorite heart­break song?
Sub­mit­ted by esta86.

I could answer a ques­tion like this all day and then some.

Mallo Cup” by the Lemon­heads: Here I am out­side your house at 3 am/Trying to think you out of bed

Grudge Fuck” by the Scud Moun­tain Boys (yes, there is also a Per­nice Broth­ers ver­sion of this song, fyi):
I would give any­thing to make it with you just one more time/I’d give you every­thing I owned (hey, no one said this shit was pretty)

Let it Die” by Feist:
The sad­dest part of a bro­ken heart/Isn’t the end­ing so much as the start

Give me another 30 min­utes and I’ll post another dozen.

QotD: Top 5 Video Games

November 15th, 2006

What’s on your Top 5 video games list?
Sub­mit­ted by mileena.

Ha ha ha ha ha… Like I have that sort of hand-eye coör­di­na­tion! I don’t think I’ve played an actual video game since I had Colecovision.

QotD: Current Mood Music

November 10th, 2006

What song best describes your cur­rent mood?
Sub­mit­ted by Section31.

“This is a Shitty Day and I hate every­one.” Oh wait, that’s not a song.

OK. How about “Every deci­sion I make is a bad one.” Hm, also not a song.

I think this is lead­ing me towards some­thing totally unre­lated to the QotD–there’s are songs out there, demand­ing to be writ­ten. Back later–I have to go learn how to play the guitar.

QotD: Total Transformation

November 9th, 2006

What’s the most dras­tic change you’ve ever made to your appear­ance?
Sub­mit­ted by Lau­rie.

In 2003, I paid an ungodly sum for fancy Japan­ese straight­en­ing to my nat­u­rally curly/wavy hair. I loved it, and it def­i­nitely made me look less “me” than any­thing else I’ve done to my hair, even though I’ve done var­i­ous extreme cuts, color, etc. That’s the first thing that comes to mind, but the more obvi­ous answer is that I now weigh more than one hun­dred pounds less than I did for most of my adult life, which ren­ders me unrec­og­niz­able to peo­ple who knew me at the larger weight. Sort of nice when you don’t want to stop and chat.

Air Pocket Polka Dots

November 9th, 2006

After promis­ing myself (and the dog) that we would get our deserved 30 min­utes of exer­cise, I came home last night, changed into the appro­pri­ate clothes and got out­side. The weather’s been unsea­son­ably warm. I know, I know. Global warm­ing, we’re all gonna burn, but it was dark and still 75 or so. As we approached the park I could feel lit­tle cold spots, like the ones you feel in a poorly heated house (or, say, my home) but they were small. My lower body was fine and warm and then my arm would sud­denly get really, really cold.

OK, or maybe there are just ghosts in the park.