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Archives for February, 2010

This? Is Perfection.

If you are not already read­ing House­martin, the supremely inspir­ing blog of a shopowner/florist, may I sug­gest that you add it to your RSS feeds stat? When I was plan­ning our wed­ding, every photo she posted of a bridal bou­quet made me hope that she would sud­denly aban­don Port­land for KC so I could carry […]

Eat Local

There are a lot of things I miss about Kansas City, but a big one is def­i­nitely food. (Mr. TRF elu­ci­dates here.) I miss KC’s empha­sis on locally sourced ingre­di­ents, and the abil­ity to buy local milk and eggs at almost every gro­cery store. For the amount of food that can be grown in Florida, […]

Celine, We Need to Talk

I caved at Pub­lix and bought the newest Peo­ple mag­a­zine a few days ago. It’s the one with Celine Dion dis­cussing her fer­til­ity strug­gles and going through IVF. Her hus­band tells Peo­ple that they’re “not really” con­sid­er­ing adop­tion. With­out get­ting into a dis­cus­sion about her age (41), her husband’s age (68) or fer­til­ity angst, let’s […]

The Dream House

You know how when you’re look­ing for love, you go on a string of crappy dates, but when you’re all “I am dat­ing myself” you meet some­one great? (Dis­claimer: This has not actu­ally hap­pened to me, but I hear it has hap­pened to oth­ers.) That is sort of my new (as of today) feel­ing about […]

Love in the Time of Foreclosure

From a casual glance at the news, the real estate sit­u­a­tion in Florida comes off as fairly dire. Four in ten South Florida mort­gage hold­ers are under­wa­ter; The tri-county area was ranked tenth in the nation for fore­clo­sure fil­ings last year; gloom; doom; etc. So some­one tell me why the house that was listed on Monday, […]

But(t) Seriously

Just when I find myself using Yelp to choose any­thing and every­thing, I stum­ble across a review of Miami Girls [sic] Butts and I ques­tion its usefulness.

How to Feel Out of Place in Florida

You are not a senior cit­i­zen. You are not a Euro­pean model. You do not drive a Lexus. You do not tan (though you do like the beach). You look silly in Lilly Pulitzer clothing.