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Archives for April, 2010

Field Trip: Stiltsville

Some­times I think Old Florida is a bit more appeal­ing than Cur­rent Florida. Case in point: Stiltsville. This com­mu­nity of houses on stilts in Bis­cayne Bay—and they are, quite lit­er­ally, in the bay—has shrunk (thanks, hur­ri­canes) down to seven struc­tures acces­si­ble only by boat. Here’s my favorite: (Some­times I for­get how pretty Florida can be.) […]

Get the Look: Fabulous Gymgoer

I saw some­thing great while elliptical-ing the other day at the gym. A woman wear­ing an out­fit made up of the fol­low­ing ele­ments: A white robe, much like this one— With a black tur­ban on her head, much like this— So far, so awe­some, right? On her feet, a pair of clas­sic Jack Rogers (or maybe they […]