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Archives for June, 2010

I Nearly Met Mark Bittman

I want to like Del­ray Beach. I really, really do. There’s a main drag that’s pedestrian-friendly, there are a lot of non-chain restau­rants and peo­ple who live there con­stantly talk about how much they love it. But I don’t love it so much. The shop­ping area is ripe for inde­pen­dently owned, beachy sorts of stores, […]

My Curiosity Will Go On

Until I see this for myself. I have, let’s say, an unhealthy inter­est in Celine Dion (and her creepy hus­band, and her ginormo house). Mostly the house. OK, hon­estly? And the hus­band. I had sort of for­got­ten about the Mai­son That Ter­ri­ble Songs Built until Ele­ments of Style posted more pics. I’m spar­ing you the water […]

Harry of the Week

As per Sharon’s request, I present a photo of Harry. We are all home sick today with sore throats, and Harry is respond­ing in kind with a par­tic­u­larly lethar­gic vibe. Aster­isk to pro­vide Harry with pri­vacy, and to spare your eyes the sight of dog ween.

Summer, Let’s Suck Less

Not to dwell on it, but spring wasn’t so hot Chez RF. A flurry of (over)indulging, a lot of should-we-or-shouldn’t-we’s and an assorted pack­age of other bum­mers make this June feel like we’re recov­er­ing from a hang­over. A hang­over that we’re expe­ri­enc­ing in a sauna. A sauna with hur­ri­canes. As much as it pains my […]

I Love You, Sara Ruffin Costello

Like the rest of the décor-obsessed, Domino-missing world, I love me some Sara Ruf­fin Costello. So much so that I can say proudly—or per­haps, stalkerly—I have some of her pre-Domino styling work in my inspi­ra­tion files. (Sara, if you’re read­ing this, I promise I am not writ­ing this while watch­ing your home with binoc­u­lars.) Since Domino’s […]

Have a Seat

Our house has a cov­ered patio that runs close to the entire width of the house. Since our Kansas house had a busted deck, the whole notion of patio fur­ni­ture is…weird. What I even­tu­ally found, after some intense Craigslist­ing, were these: Spun fiber­glass chairs! I would really like to know a few things about these, because […]