Not to dwell on it, but spring wasn’t so hot Chez RF. A flurry of (over)indulging, a lot of should-we-or-shouldn’t-we’s and an assorted package of other bummers make this June feel like we’re recovering from a hangover. A hangover that we’re experiencing in a sauna. A sauna with hurricanes.
As much as it pains my cold and snarky heart to type it, the catchphrase here is now Be Positive. It’s hokey, I know, but it’s not a terrible reminder to those of us (yes, I am talking to myself) who can get wrapped up in what we don’t have instead of what we do.
In the spirit of the Summer Bucket List (and because I like to make lists), here’s the plan to enjoy where we are now:
- The beach: it’s close. It’s cheap. We always leave happy. We’re not going every weekend because…?
(This is from Kay Crain, it’s a pretty accurate depiction of our beach days.)
- More Pomplamoose Channel on YouTube, less woe-is-media.
- I had written this whole post about missing limeades from Kansas City institutions Topsy’s and Winstead’s and how I’d happily settle for Sonic but there is no Sonic here, but there is—in Boynton Beach! So I’m going to get one and it is going to be awesome.
- Lighten the load. We just sold off all our CDs and it feels goooood. Books got the same treatment a few days ago and will go to the library for donation. The closets are pretty lean and mean already but could stand another editing. Things that aren’t useful or beautiful get the boot.
- We’ve been enjoying Salad Week for a few weeks but I think this might just be the Summer of Salads. (Plus, I don’t have to turn on the stove.)
- All iced tea, all the time. I just made a pitcher of Harney and Sons’ raspberry herbal iced tea yesterday and it’s time to make another. No caffeine, no sugar, just raspberry yumminess.
- Turn down the noise. I’m so close to pulling the plug on my DailyCandy subscriptions but I feel a weird sort of loyalty since I remember the day they launched (wow, that makes me feel old). I’ve been caught in a cycle of wanting to try the Next New Thing, particularly when it comes to restaurants, and, quite frankly, it’s exhausting. There are a few places down here I truly love, and a lot of overhyped mediocre ones. I’d rather keep supporting the good than trying (and being disappointed by) the bad.
- Take Harry to the dog beach. This is perhaps more for our enjoyment than Harry’s, especially when he has this look on his face. (He doesn’t do that at the beach, I promise.)
- Stay cool. I know this seems obvious. I used to shun linen, shorts and anything gauzy, but guess what? A little ventilation makes me a little less cranky.
- Needlepoint projects + Netflix streaming = easy evening entertainment. My mom just sent a package of needlepoint ornaments that I can’t wait to whip up. We might need to get another tree…
How do you keep positive—or keep cool?
I live in South Florida also. They say it’s hot, but I guess I’m still recovering a bit from this unusually cold winter (which I loved!!). But I’ve been here 17 yrs and I though Aug and Sept are unbearable for me (and most of Oct)…I’m just beginning to thaw 😉
That iced tea looks delicous! I’ve yet to make iced tea (other than the sweetened variety I grew up on), and have been wanting to try unsweetened ice tea. I love hot tea, but it’s starting to get too warm for that when on the go.
By August…if we are outside, it’s in bathing suits…that is how we keep cool! And my prediction on hurricanes are that we are probably good for many years. After 3 big ones in 2004 and 2005…I think our odds statistically are slim, no matter what the weathermen say!!
Thanks for stopping by–locally, no less!
Iced tea is a funny thing. I grew up in a tea household (I don’t think I even tasted coffee until college) so unsweetened tea is the norm. It wasn’t until I visited the South a few times that I learned of the wonders of sweet tea. I can handle the occasional glass but boy, do my teeth hurt afterwards!
For everyday iced tea, I also like Publix’s house brand of iced tea–it comes in bigger bags so you only need one to two depending on the size of your pitcher.
Lol, I think you are off to a great start! The photo of your pup is what I feel like right now under the office fluorescent lights…
HARRY! He is even cuter than I remembered. I would like to formally request weekly pictures of Harry on the blog now please :o)
It is HOT here in TX as well, and humid, which is an unpleasant change. I like your salad ideas–please do share!
Done and done. Weekly Harry pics it is!
Dog… beach? I’m not sure if I knew about this before, but boy is PBC sounding extra-savvy right about now.
Ev–Harry is a savchon.
Miss B–I need to post some pics of him looking less angry!
Um. I hate summer. I realized it in the last few years. I hate moving to my in laws house at the jersey shore, I hate going to the beach, i hate “relaxing”. I like the city, skiing, and blogging.
I decided that I am not going to force myself to be outside when I dont want to be. adn that I am going to go back to my apt in manhattan whenever I want. Basically, Im leaving my kid with my mom and running away to NYC.
by skiing I meant, wintery type sports and winter. I think I actually like when it gets dark at 4 pm.
Summer in NYC is harsh. I still can’t believe I lived in multiple apartments WITHOUT AIR CONDITIONING.
It is the summer of doing stuff that makes life tolerable. If that means running away to the city, do it!
(You have my support.)
No AC? Were your initials M.B.?
Well, it was a long time ago, and dinosaurs were roaming the earth…