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Archives for October, 2010


Some­thing is wreak­ing havoc on my sys­tem right now. The cul­prit is likely the soup I exca­vated from the depths of the fridge on Mon­day and blithely ingested assum­ing that heat would kill any­thing toxic. It did not. Yes­ter­day was our anniver­sary. Three years since we were very blurry but my dad was in focus. Lessons I […]

The Next Cupcake

You heard it here first: it’s peanut brit­tle. Or but­ter crunch. Pie? There were at least four pie ven­dors. Maybe cot­ton candy—we tried jalapeño. We spent a good chunk of the day (and our stom­achs’ real estate) at Arti­sanal LA and I can also share with you that I have drunk the future and it […]

Oh My Garage

I keep revis­it­ing this phở­to­graph of Annie Selke’s garage. I showed it to Ryan and his response was, “So you’re look­ing at garage porn now?” Yes. Orga­nized items and hot pink make me happy. Annie Selke is the woman behind Pine Cone Hill, which I always (unfairly, it seems) lumped in with Shabby Chic. (Sorry Annie!) […]

Mediterranean Pot Roast

I used to spend a lot of time think­ing about my desert island discs. (Off the top of my head: Doolit­tle, Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain, Foxbase Alpha, 69 Love Songs, Sum­mer­teeth, #1 Record/Radio City, Per­fect Teeth and some­thing by Led Zep­pelin but I can’t decide which one at the moment.) But lately I’ve been thinking […]

Back to Semi-Normal

I’ve got­ten a pass for the past six weeks or so. Pack up a house, drive across the coun­try, and unpack said house into a slightly smaller house, and no one expects culi­nary bril­liance for a while. Despite our excite­ment about new vis­tas in take­out and a long list of restau­rants we are dying to […]

LA Moments

Sign out­side Drift­wood in Sil­ver Lake I had my first I-live-in-LA celebrity sight­ing. Hur­ley from Lost. I didn’t even watch Lost. I want a celebrity sight­ing refund. At some point, we had to stop lis­ten­ing to the Good Food pod­cast because it just depressed us. (You try lis­ten­ing to the bounty of avail­able pro­duce when your […]