Inspired by this post at Shel­ter­rific, I just baked four dozen cook­ies. But mine are really weird!

Cookies Gone Awry
Island of Lost Cookies

In the top photo you’ll notice that my cook­ies look par­tially raw. Which is what the recipe says might hap­pen. Still, it goes against all my bak­ing intuition.

In the sec­ond photo, note that I have three dif­fer­ent degrees of cook­ies. The ones in the back are nearly ined­i­ble now that they’ve cooled, while the mid­dle ones seem a tad under­done. The cook­ies in the fore­ground are a lit­tle too crunchy for my taste. None of them are just right, though, and for a baker who feels that choco­late and peanut but­ter are the build­ing blocks for, well, just about any­thing, this will not do!