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Archives for March, 2011

Ray and Charles Slept Here

OK, I promised you (and my hus­band) some ideas for the Trip We Take Before We Have the Baby (so much eas­ier to say than “baby­moon”) and hon­estly, I really don’t care. It doesn’t have to be elab­o­rate. I just want decent sur­round­ings and good food. A pool if pos­si­ble. The afore­men­tioned hus­band in relaxation […]

I Fought My Pants

Spoiler alert: My pants won. A few weeks ago, I looked in the mir­ror and thought, “Hey, I look sort of preg­nant.” It’s a good thing, too, because I’ve been going to pre­na­tal yoga classes and feel­ing like an impos­tor. At least until we get to the part of class where we tell every­one how far […]

Keep it Simple

This marks my third spring in warmer climes. Weird. Even now that I wear the same clothes essen­tially year-round, I some­how feel the sea­sons change. There are no win­ter coats to put away, yet I want to clean out my clos­ets, rearrange every drawer in the house and buy some­thing new. (Before you say, “Duh. You’re nesting,” […]

Words I’d Like to Ban

Much like when I got engaged and ran out and bought a bunch of wed­ding mag­a­zines, I have been work­ing my way through a stack of preg­nancy mags. Much like the wed­ding mag­a­zines, the preg­nancy peri­od­i­cals are very close to use­less. I real­ize that ours is a con­sumer cul­ture, and with each life event comes […]

Blame My Mom

My mom is an excel­lent cook, and a woman who rarely—if ever—eats prepack­aged food. So when she tells you she likes some­thing that comes in a box, I sug­gest you lis­ten up. Her tip: Beecher’s mac­a­roni and cheese. You can buy it online, but I found it nearby at Smart & Final. (My mom says […]

An Explanation, of Sorts

The last few months have been thrilling. Spine-tingling. Exhil­i­rat­ing, even. So where have I been? Why haven’t I been shar­ing this excite­ment? Well. I am preg­nant. Not to get all emo­tional, but, 2010 was rough. For a vari­ety of rea­sons. One of the big­gies, though, was my frus­tra­tion with my own body. Preg­nancy was not, […]