OK, it’s not life. It’s just stuff.

But some of it is really good stuff.

We sold two of our three sofas, Freecy­cled our com­post bin and started a pile for dona­tion. Once I start—well, I can’t stop. So with­out sell­ing the chair out from under my bum, I looked out­side. Remem­ber these?

Cute, right? But the pro­cras­ti­na­tion on the whole cush­ion issue meant we were sit­ting on blan­kets when we sat out­side. And when was the last time we sat out­side, any­way? (Actu­ally we dined al fresco last night—and it was not the most pleas­ant expe­ri­ence.) This recent Krista Ewart–designed house in House Beau­ti­ful is right up my alley:

But—and it’s a big but—we have no idea what our next place will be like. So I started to think about sell­ing. I didn’t want a long, drawn-out Craig expe­ri­ence, though, so I sent a photo to Circa Who to see if they were inter­ested. Circa Who is eas­ily my favorite store in West Palm Beach, stuffed full of awe­some­ness like this:

Circa Who Tables

When the owner, Tracy, emailed me back to ask when she could pick them up, I was thrilled. It’s one less thing we have to move, and, hey, my stuff will be for sale in a store I love!