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Still Life with My Life

July 8th, 2007

There is always laun­dry to be done.
But I’d rather drink cof­fee.
Read the New York Times.
On my estate sale table.

I’m off to Seat­tle tomor­row, where I am hop­ing to find wed­ding shoes (wed­ding! shoes!) and drink Mind-Blowing Cof­fee before dri­ving back to Kansas City, mak­ing stops along the way at Yel­low­stone and other points of interest.

Wish me luck!

Moblogging FOILED

June 24th, 2007

I tried to post this last night from Tre and it didn’t go up. Anyway:

to get all free­gan or any­thing, but I am feel­ing a lit­tle more
waste-weary than usual. That’s part of the rea­son I’ve decided to wear
my mom’s wed­ding dress. Why con­tribute to the myth that you can only be
beau­ti­ful in a dress you only wear once? In stark con­trast, Ryan and I went
to look for suits for him and in my next life, I am com­ing back
as a dude. They include alter­ations in the price–wtf?

I Couldn’t Have Said It Better Myself

April 3rd, 2007

We haven’t been so into the show-going lately, mostly because all musi­cal dis­cus­sions end on a “Why can’t Yo La Tengo play our wed­ding?” note, but also because I have a com­fort level these days. If I have to be some­where early the next day and the show’s in Lawrence, I’m not going. Unless it’s some­one I really really like. And then I’ll still need some con­vinc­ing to get my ass out the door. Because I am an old and crotch­ety lady.

But I digress.

Any­way, I saw this old post on John Sell­ers’ blog (has any­one read his book? Should I? I think I would like it based on title alone, but I am an easy mark that way) and found myself nod­ding along. I would prob­a­bly change the reorder­ing a bit, and–sorry rockers–I am not a huge GBVer, but any and all reunions of Unrest, Galaxie 500, Pavement…wait, can I put dead peo­ple on this list? Well, I have a few things I’d pay some absurd sums for. But not super-absurd. I mean, I’ve got a dog to feed.

Hey, if you’re read­ing this and you know a sweet-ass band in the Kansas City area, please tell me.

Will Harry Recover From This Trauma?

March 13th, 2007

Society for the Preservation of Crazy Architecture

March 13th, 2007

The tem­ple we attended when I was grow­ing up had a really fan­tas­tic crazy-modern vibe; I keep mean­ing to drive Ryan by some Sat­ur­day when we’re out run­ning errands and I always for­get about it. Today I was in hot pur­suit of a place to read another chap­ter in my psy­chol­ogy book (they are get­ting longer, I swear) and I hap­pened to drive by.


I knew there was some fuss about the build­ing itself and preser­va­tion types were argu­ing for its impor­tance and oth­ers said it was hideous and then there’s the fact that the con­gre­ga­tion up and moved itself 10 miles south. But still. OK, it hasn’t been razed; there’s a school in its place. But you’d never know what the old build­ing looked like and I can only think that this is so “they paved par­adise and put up a park­ing lot.”

Here’s a link to a photo–isn’t it awesome?

A Web Site Someone Needs to Invent for Me

March 1st, 2007

I am, to put it mildly, a picky bitch.

So, once upon a time, I worked in the home depart­ment of a bridal mag­a­zine. This instilled in me a deep love and appre­ci­a­tion for china and fine crys­tal. As I was 21 at the time, I did not do much with this knowl­edge except think, “Some day, this will be use­ful.” Now, upon the dis­cov­ery that Mottahedeh’s Tobacco Leaf pat­tern is a whop­ping $500 per place set­ting, I have been issued an aes­thetic chal­lenge of sorts. I am not going to ask any­one to buy us some­thing that costs $500. And there are plenty more awfully lovely china pat­terns out there. How­ever, here in the some­times style-depleted city in which I reside, there is nowhere to gather all of these pat­terns side by side and choose among them. Or to decide to get a salad plate in one pat­tern and a din­ner plate in another. You get the idea.

If I had chinapatterndatabase.com, though, think of the fun!

Also, in search­ing for poten­tial flat­ware, I think I have real­ized that the only one I like thus far is the same one my par­ents use, Dansk’s slim and util­i­tar­ian Vari­a­tion V. I had a brief flir­ta­tion with Torun, but Ryan says “no” on rounded ends.

For proof that I was once inter­ested in things besides my big fat half-Jewish wed­ding, feel free to peruse the old days of me here.

In Which the Content of this Blog Abruptly Changes

February 27th, 2007

So we’re engaged! I have had my taste of wed­ding plan­ning for, let’s see, about a week now, and I have been through the seven stages of grief already. None of it had any­thing to do with Ryan (thank God) or my fam­ily (hur­rah) or even his fam­ily (whew) but still, my crazy is bub­bling up to the sur­face and it is wholly self-generated.

We want a venue where we can have both the cer­e­mony and the recep­tion, prefer­ably down­town with a sky­line view, and some place with a full kitchen that will let us pro­vide our own caterer. Already that knocks a lot of poten­tial spaces off of the list. We went to see Poten­tial Space #1 on Fri­day and fell for it hard and fast. It’s unfor­tu­nately booked through the end of the year on Sat­ur­days. So we thought, “No prob­lem. We’ll get mar­ried on a Fri­day night.”

Then I started look­ing at Jew­ish cal­en­dars, to make sure that we wouldn’t be get­ting mar­ried on, say, Yom Kip­pur, and learned (duh!) that rab­bis don’t marry cou­ples on Shab­bat. Well, crap. This sent me into a spir­i­tual tail­spin of sorts. Fine, I’m a half-assed Jew, but I still want a rabbi to marry us.

Which brings me to another matter–no one else really cares about the rabbi. Ryan: an athe­ist. My par­ents: would hire an Elvis imper­son­ator if need be. Ryan’s fam­ily: are just happy he’s mar­ry­ing. So maybe the solu­tion is to have a pri­vate, parents-and-anyone-else-who-cares cer­e­mony on a week­day evening, and then have the party/reception as planned on a Fri­day night. Would you care if you didn’t see your friend get mar­ried, or does it really matter?

Dear Shins: Throw Me a Bone

February 12th, 2007

Who didn’t buy tick­ets the day they went on sale for the pair of Shins’ shows tonight and tomor­row? Who thought to her­self, “Two shows? That’s crazy!”? Who tried to buy tick­ets online a few weeks ago, found both shows sold out, fig­ured she could buy tick­ets on craigslist and then real­ized she was being priced out of a concert?

Who will spare you the whole old-person-who-likes-indie-rock-and-wants-a-band-she-likes-to-be-able-to-eat-but-would-like-to-see them-without-a-big-hassle whine and moan?

Beyond Butter Chicken

February 10th, 2007

Some­one linked to this arti­cle some­where about South­ern Indian cui­sine and read­ing it took me back imme­di­ately to morn­ings spent drink­ing Dixie cups of per­fect sweet cof­fee and evenings eat­ing off of banana leaves. I think I need to start scan­ning my India photos.

Be Awesome. Don’t Write.

January 31st, 2007

Tell peo­ple your only mar­ketable skill is writ­ing, they tell you to write a book.


You tell one of those insane peo­ple who sug­gests you write a book that the only book you’re going to write is going to be about not writing.

He says, “I’d read that.”

Oth­ers agree.

You think back over your non-illustrious career, how oth­ers have not asked your advice, and you think…

Step 1: Begin your day giv­ing into any whim that strikes you, as long as it’s not writ­ing. You want to scrub your floors, tell off tele­mar­keters, watch a season’s worth of “Dr. Phil”? As long as it doesn’t involve pen touch­ing paper, go on with your bad self.